Harnessing PEMF Therapy for Improved Women's Health

Empowering women to take charge of their health is not just a necessity, but a transformative journey that encompasses physical, mental, and emotional well-being – especially with the innovative benefits of pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy. 

As research continues to find many ways in which PEMF therapy can benefit and support women’s health, we thought it would be a great opportunity to share 1. How PEMF works, and 2. Ways that have been shown to help women’s health so far. 

So, for those of you reading this who don’t know, what is PEMF therapy and how does it work?

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy, PEMF for short, involves using electromagnetic fields to help stimulate and heal our body’s tissues and cells. It involves the application of pulsed electromagnetic fields to the body at different frequencies, which are designed to enhance cellular function and promote overall health. 

The therapy works through PEMF devices, normally in the form of a localised device, or a full-body PEMF mat, these devices deliver electromagnetic pulses to the body, which penetrate through the skin and tissues to reach the cells. These pulses create microcurrents that interact with the cell membranes, enhancing the electrical and chemical processes within the cells. When this interaction happens, it can improve the function of ion channels, which are essential for maintaining cellular health and communication. 

So how can PEMF help better women’s health? 

1- Menstrual Health

Dysmenorrhea, more commonly known as period pain, will be experienced by approximately 80% of women at some stage in their lifetime, as well as 10% of women reporting that the pain they experience during their menstrual cycle is severe enough to disrupt their life. This common yet debilitating condition arises due to the natural process of the uterus contracting to shed its lining, which can lead to intense cramping and discomfort. 

PEMF therapy may help those suffering relieve symptoms of menstrual discomfort. By applying electromagnetic fields to the body, in this case directing these fields to the lower abdomen, can potentially alleviate menstrual discomfort through several mechanisms, PEMFs can modulate the activity of pain receptors and reduce the sensation of pain. This can be particularly beneficial for menstrual cramps. As well as helping to induce relaxation of the smooth muscles in the uterus, which can also help to alleviate cramps.

In one study, it was found that PEMF showed statistically significant progress in reducing pain, physical and mental complaints, and improved the working ability in women suffering from period pain (Dysmenorrhea).

As well as helping to reduce menstrual pain, PEMF can be beneficial for other menstrual symptoms, such as fatigue and mood swings. 

2- Bone Health

According to the NHS, women are at higher risk of developing osteoporosis than men due to the hormone changes that occur during menopause, and these changes directly affecting bone density. When bone density is reduced, leading to increased fragility, osteoporosis significantly raises the risk of fractures.


Osteoporosis is a medical condition characterised by the weakening of bones, making them brittle and more susceptible to breaks even from minor stresses or falls. This condition occurs when the creation of new bone doesn't keep up with the removal of old bone, leading to porous and weakened skeletal structures.

One PEMF study involved 139 patients with established non-union fractures who received PEMF sessions. Patients who used the device for less than an average of three hours each day had a success rate of 35.7% (5 out of 14), while those who used PEMF for more than three hours each day had an 80% success rate (108 out of 135).

3- Mental Health

According to the Mental Health Foundation, more women report experiencing high levels of anxiety than men. In 2022/23, an average of 37.1% of women, compared to 29.9% of men reported high levels of anxiety. Anxiety is often worsened for women due to hormonal changes, such as those that occur during the menstrual cycles and menopause. This can significantly impact daily life, making it challenging to maintain personal relationships, negatively impact work performance, and make it hard to enjoy day-to-day-activities. 


A study conducted at Harvard Medical School discovered after using a PEMF device, it resulted in an increase of around 10% improvement in emotion after just one 20-minutes treatment in patients with bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder.

4- Skin Health

Skin conditions, and aging can affect women’s confidence and quality of life. Hormone changes, especially those related to menstrual cycles, can trigger skin breakouts in women. Fluctuations in hormones like estrogen and progesterone can increase oil production in the skin, leading to clogged pores and acne. This is why many women experience breakouts around their period or during other hormonal shifts.

PEMF offers several benefits for skin health by leveraging its ability to enhance cellular function and tissue regeneration. PEMF helps to improve blood circulation, helping to ensure that the skin cells receive more oxygen and nutrients, which can help promote healthier, more resilient skin. This increased circulation also supports collagen production, which is essential for maintaining skin elasticity and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

5- Hormone Balance 

PEMF can help to promote better hormone balance through several mechanisms. The endocrine system, which includes glands such as the pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, and pancreas, is responsible for producing and regulating hormones. These hormones control various bodily functions, including metabolism, growth, mood, and reproductive processes. Efficient endocrine function is crucial for maintaining homeostasis and overall health. 

One way that PEMF therapy supports endocrine function is by enhancing blood circulation. Improved blood flow ensures that oxygen and essential nutrients are efficiently delivered to the endocrine glands. This optimal nutrient delivery supports the glands’ ability to produce hormones effectively. Additionally, enhanced circulation facilities the removal of metabolic waste products from these glands, further promoting their health and functionality. 


Furthermore, PEMF can help to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, both of which can negatively impact endocrine health. By mitigating these stressors, PEMF helps maintain the integrity and efficiency of hormone-producing cells. 
Overall, the combined effects of improved nutrient delivery, waster removal, and reduced inflammation contribute to a more balanced hormone production and regulation, supporting better hormonal balance in the body. 

In conclusion, PEMF therapy helps to address multiple aspects of women’s health, contributing to more balanced hormones and improving overall well-being. 


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